Alaskan Redemption - Vision of home

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Even as a kid of six my mind was adrift with scenes
of adventure. From the jungles of the Amazon,
Philippines, Africa, South Georgia swamps, and the
vast wilderness of Alaska, the story that follows is a
true adaptation of my life filled with adventure, danger
and exploration — the uncertain risk of a wandering
explorer of adventure. This novel is part my story but
mainly that of Clay Macon.
Along with hunting and fishing, I sought to discover
gold. Especially in Alaska, I carefully searched the
streams when hunting. Even though I trekked through
many parts of Alaska, I never found color — that
yellow sparkle of gold. Just knowing gold was there,
somewhere, constantly held my watchful attention.
The story I have written, Alaskan Redemption, is
a reflection of what could have been a part of my
enterprise into risk and peril.
Even though I have faced many dangerous animals
like lions, African buffalo, rattlers, grizzly bears
and been challenged by swamps and jungles, each
adventure has injected a rhythm of excitement in my
life. It has given me a life that has been alive with
energy and purpose — it has been a life well spent.
I continually asked myself, could I have both —
adventure and gold. Even though I have never found
gold, I believe I will sometime, somewhere.

— Dr. Robert B. Pamplin, Jr.